Thanks for dropping by! Take a look around and stay awhile. See that little purple box on your left, it contains a summary of recent posts, further down, you will see a box of shared items, these are things I find around the web and want to share with you. Further down on the left you can add a link to your own blog for others to see. I love comments, so feel free to leave some love and thanks for stopping by.
Isn't this one of the most gorgeous layouts you have seen? Wanna win most the products for this gorgeous layout? Just click on the photo and check out Scrapbooking Supplies R Us and you may just win it.
So, those of you who actually look at these I have a few questions, if you would be so kind to answer
1. Do you enjoy the blog finds, or prefer a featured blog, or both 2. Would you prefer these posts be split up into cards, layouts and 3d items, or is ok to mix them like this?
I want this year to be a great one in the blogging world, so please, do tell me what you would like to see.