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Monday, May 25, 2009

Cards for Heroes

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I made these cards for the Cards for Heroes Blog hop in celebration of Memorial Day.

Their Mission: To support our nation’s armed forces by sending blank greeting cards to write home on, as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them.

The first card, I made with CHF's new set "We Remember" I just got it, I love it, isn't it fabulous?

The next two cards are made with SU's "Free and the Brave" set, another perfect set to use for military promotions, retirements, deployments, etc!

I am really excited to be a part of this great cause! What a fantastic way to spend Memorial Day Weekend, then honoring those who serve as well as creating cards for those who lose sleep waiting for their personal heroes to come home, both equally heroes in my book!

To my fellow service members, THANK YOU! To those who came before us, One thousand times THANK YOU! To those who love us, we couldn't do it without your love and support and To those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, so that we can sleep in peace, we are forever in your debt, this is for you!!!!!!

In Honor of Memorial Day, I am giving one lucky blogger this fantastic Stampin Up Set,
AND, if you sign up for my newsletter over Memorial Day weekend and leave a comment on this post, I will draw a lucky hopper's name to win this patriotic set as well!

Also, in honor of all my fellow service members, if you want to place an order for this set, for this weekend only, you can get a 15% discount, that's only $18.65 +S/H

*** I am working on my second go-around through the tour (I started a little to early this morning and missed so many great blogs!) I decided to make one card to donate to CFH this weekend, for every comment you guys leave me!!!

Happy Blogging and Remember:
Freedom Isn't Free!

To go to the next stop, Click Here:


Jennifer said...

Hi there, I already subscribe to both your feed and your newsletter, so i hope you will include me in the chance to win the RAK! Thanks

Unknown said...

Fabulous cards!

Jacquie Hart said...

awesome cards Angi I am already signed up for your newsletter, pick me pick me!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Love your beautiful collages!! Love the images from the set too!! TFS!

Lyn B. said...

You did a wonderful job on these cards. TFS

Karen said...

Fabulous card!! TFS!! Thanks for celebrating our troops! I signed up for your newsletter, as well! {{cheers}}

Heidi E. said...

Cute Cards.. I just signed up for your newsletter :)

Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Weekend ♥

Denise W. said...

Great cards. I loved the stamp sets you used. Thanks for sharing.

Nancy L. said...

wonderful cards!

JPScraps said...

Beautiful cards. I signed up for your email list...I need all the inspiration I can get :)

Dawn said...

Your cards are really fab! I was not sure abou this set, and now that I've seen it used in so many fantastic ways, I love it!

Chris said...

Gorgious cards!

Sue McGettigan said...

Great looking cards! Happy Memorial Day to you :)

kasmello said...

Love your cards! I started with you....so this begins my journey. Your blog name just pulled me in. I will subscribe to your newsletter! Kas

Sandy said...

Ooooh such cool cards! I am thinking I must need the "We Remember" set, I keep seeing such great cards using it. You did a great job!

Thanks so much for joining in this fun bloghop!

Deb Neerman said...

Awesome cards!! And for such a wonderful cause too ... I'll be happy to participate by sending cards of my own to CFH!

Kelli Waters said...

I love your cards, Angi. Your work is just beautiful!

Loni said...

love your cards.

Lauren said...

What wonderful cards and I would LOVE those stamps!!!

Thanks for supporting our troops!

Diana said...

Wonderful cards. thanks for blog hop. Pray for all troops. THS

{VICKI} said...

i signed up for the newsletter

Lisa Renéa said...

Great cards! Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

Wendy said...

This is such an exciting event!

Windy Robinson Life Handmade said...

Great cards!

Fabre said...

What a great job you did on those cards...I really love seeing the vintage-style images used. Thanks for joining our blog hop, and for your support of Cards for Heroes!

Unknown said...

Great cards. Love the collage style!

This is so much fun! So happy to be doing the blog hop for such a good cause with such a great, generous group of talented peeps! *smile*

Suz said...

Fantastic cards. I sure enjoyed my visit to your blog -- you are a wealth of great tips. I signed up for your feed & newsletter.

Lynn said...

I love your cards. Thanks so much for supporting this event. I am the proud Mother of a US soldier!
Thank you for supporting our troops.

I also already belong to your newsletter and I am a follower too:O)
Hope you have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Great job! TFS!

Martha said...

Hey, you are so far ahead of me on the Cornish Heritage Farms stamp set, lol. How fun to see what you created with them.

Daintry said...

That first card is amazing! Thanks for supporting our troops, it is little things that sometimes mean the most!

Heather said...

You have such a classic and unique style. Thank you for agreeing to make cards for every comment you receive-- that is a huge commitment!

Jennifer Hansen said...

What a great thing all of you are doing for them!

jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com

(I've also signed up for your newsletter)

karahoward said...

Not to give you more work, but so more troops benefit, I'll leave a comment. You have such wonderful cards. I love finding new blogs!!

Erika said...

As a military wife, please let me say thank you for what you are doing. It's so good to know that there are others thinking of our loved one's when they're in harms way. What a wonderful way of showing your appreciation!

Merry's Musings said...

What an awesome goal! I would love to see the pile of cards that you create. Thank you for the awesome blog hop page.

Lisa said...

Beautiful cards!

Whispers and Wishes said...

great cards. You'll have your work cut out for you with all of us leaving comments... but you'll make so many others happy!

Unknown said...

Cute card! The SU stamp set is perfect for CFH stuff.

Purple Princess said...

Wonderful cards!!

Kay said...

Love that new CFH set and love what you did with it! Great idea about making one card for each comment - now you have to make another :)

Carole RB said...

Uou have great cards Angi

Becca said...

Awesome cards! I love your coloring on the free and the brave set. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

mica said...

Your cards and what you are doing with them are so wonderful!! I am enjoying this hop :)

Jana said...

Such a wonderful patriotic look to these. Great Job!

inkedx2 said...

Great set and card. Thanks for your support of our troops!


Nancy said...

Wonderfully inventive cards!
Thanks for supporting our heroes!
Proud Marine Mom

Lost in Paper said...

Fantastic cards!!! tfs!

Lisa (mldesignworks) said...

Great cards! Thank you for participating! Here's one more for CFH!

Lisa - papergrace said...

Such amazing cards, the images are just stunning. Beautiful job.

But I have to say... "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" from the very bottom of my heart for all that you do each and every day. You are why we're doing this bloghop. Thank you for your service and dedication. Your honor and commitment. I was in the AF, too. I loved it! And miss it.

Wishing you and your family a truly wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Stay safe.

Atticelf said...

Cool cards! The inspiration I'm getting seeing all this creativity on the bloghop is fantastic!

Isn't this bloghop an amazing event?? I had never heard of CFH before and I'm looking forward to celebrating Memorial Day with my kids as we make cards to send in to CFH. :)

Gail said...

Fabtabulous cards!

Carolyn Sharkas said...

thanks for sharing your great cards and for supporting our troops. I love your blog and have signed up to receive your newsletters and updates.

ceashark at aol dot com

Tammy said...

Fantastic cards! tfs!

Maggie said...

I love your cards. Thank you for supporting our military.

Chrisd said...

Great cards and wonderful donation to CFH. I'm working on my own batch this weekend!

paula said...

Great cards!!! Thanks for supporting CFH with your awesome talent!

cr8iveme said...

I'm currently a follower of yours.

What an awesome card and what a great cause for a hop.


Renee said...

Really gorgeous cards!!!

Lida said...

I totally love your card, great job!

Dana said...

nice! Love all things Stampin Up! by the way ;-)

kasmello said...

I have returned to my beginning, this was my first stop and now it is over. I have loved the ideas,cards and stories along the way. Thanks to all who participated.

Axes DesigNs said...

Beautiful cards... Thanks for make cards for heros

SuzAnn said...

Hope you have to make A LOT of cards :-)

Teresa said...

WOW- you will be making a lot of cards- THANK YOU!!!

I am so happy to be part of this blog hop!

decp8nter said...

Perfect cards for the blog hop!

Victoria S. said...

Love your cards! Thanks for supporting our troops! and i signed up for your newsletter.

PCM said...

Thanks for making these beautiful cards. That set is great for making patriotic cards. TFS

Shirley said...

These are great cards! Thank you for supporting our troops. I am signing up for your newsletter:)

BethW said...

Certainly going for the newsletter-unfortunately I am technologically impaired when it comes to feeds!
Thank you for taking the time to support the troops-may you be blessed always,

Julie said...

I subscribed Friday or yesterday I think it was, but I just have to say how beautiful your cards are!!

~ginny said...

Kudos on your card!
Long live our Heroes!

Susan M. Brown {sbartist} said...

Happy Memorial Day! Your cards are beautiful and thank you for your creativity and dedication to this great cause. Will be back after the bloghop to see all your neat how to's! TFS : ) Sb

nsmerkt said...

Great cards! Happy Memorial Day!

Paula said...

Very nice cards. TFS.

Laurie said...

Love your blog! Great cards. Thanks for supporting CFH.

KellyRae said...

CFH has such a wonderful 'mission', thanks for keeping it fresh in our minds. Love your cards and would most definitely like a chance to win that set! I'm already an email subscriber of your blog.

slightlyimperfect said...

Thanks for your service to our country. Your cards are beautiful. Thanks for sharing and for participating in the hop. Happy Memorial Day.

sideoats + scribbles said...

Great cards!

Caryl P said...

Woohoo....I'm card #80! That's a lot of cards you'll be making. I love that first card you made, so beautiful. i'll definitely sign up for your newsletter!

Regina said...

lovely cards...I am signed up for your newsletter!

Kerri said...

Wow!!! Your cards are BEAUTIFUL!!! You've done a fantastic job and I totally LOVE those stamps!!!

The Wired Angel said...

Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful cards.. Wow one donated card for each comment.. How nice is that? Thanks for participating and helping us to spread the word about CFH. Enjoy your holiday weekend.

Lyneen said...

Great cards... love the stamps... thanks for sharing and supporting our armed forces.... THANKS for the giveaway!

Bless our troops this special day. Enjoy your Memorial Day.

Kathy Thompson said...

Love the stamp sets you used. Great cards. Thanks so much for the RAK!

Unknown said...

What great original designs on your cards.

.:liza:. said...

Great cards! Looking forward to your newsletter, I need all the inspiration I can get!

...Darlene said...

Great cards thank you for sharing. I have so enjoyed hopping all over the country.

Unknown said...

I love your cards. Thank you for

The RAK is fabulous.

...Darlene said...

Great cards thank you for sharing.

jaemom said...

love that you're also making a card for every comment. Thanks for sharing your wonderful cards.

Sharon said...

great cards your special

Christina said...

Cute cards!!

P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an additional comment.

Visit The Original Scrapbox and check out their product catalog and also please take a minute and cast your vote for me, my entry #257! I am in the running to win a scrapbook desk!

Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Stellar cards sister demo! Thanks for supporting CFH in their mission. I'm finishing late but I'm too excited by all the inspiration to stop. - Jean

Anonymous said...

Hi, I already subscribe to both as well, so please enter me to win. My son is a USAFA Cadet...I would love that set to use in his scrapbook! ty for the chance, Cher
and your work is beautiful! ty for sharing. I also support that cause. xo

Lucy Abrams said...

Love your cards - super bright and cheery.

Carol said...

I love your cards, they are very beautiful. I am so glad to see that the CFH blog hop was a sucess. I had a ton of fun doing it and looking at all the creations. Praise God for our Military Heroes!

Elaine said...

very inspiring. I will make cards for CFH too. I did it last year and hadn't picked it back up but will now! :)

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